Christmas Abbott

 Christmas Abbott


Name: Christmas Abbott
Age: 34 Years Strong
Home location: Raleigh, NC - world traveler
Sport: ANY! CrossFit, Weightlifting, running, yoga, boogie boarding
Profession and educational background: Athlete & Life Motivator through fitness programs
Years in sport of any kind: 12 years in fitness
Sports participated in: NASCAR, CrossFit, Weightlifting, running
Years in current sport: 10+
What got you started: 22 Years Strong

Other personal information you would like to share:

What is your biggest accomplishment in your sports?
This would be a toss up between my biggest three: Debuting as a tire changer at the Daytona 500 in NASCAR, Lifting at Nationals as a 53k weightlifter, or going to the CrossFit Games 2x with my team.

What one or two things do you currently do in your training that are keys to your success?
Perseverance. Failure is only failure if you quit trying. Take those lessons and apply them to the next attempt or plan. Nothing great happens overnight. It takes time and commitment.

What would be your ultimate achievement?
I believe these grow as you grow through life. But a life long achievement would to be a major contributor of changing our society's understanding of health and wellness through nutrition and fitness. What exact platform that lives on looks like, I’m not sure yet. But I do know as an influencer I have a responsibility to help teach others what I know. I can only hope one day that sticks in the bigger picture.

How do you set your goals?
Ha! Often they are set on accomplishing (or failing) other goals. I want to truly challenge myself so I make my goals sort of ridiculous! If achieving your goals are easy, then you aren’t reaching far enough.

What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge?
Time management. I want to do it all and I have a short attention span. So I have to work on focusing in on what I have on my agenda and stick to the plan. If I don’t have a schedule I am lost. So my schedule is my boss.

What is your diet like?
The Badass Body Diet, baby! I eat a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and good fats every meal, every time. It’s important to understand the basics so you can implement better choices easier and faster.

What 1-2 things do you believe differentiates you from your contemporaries who have tailed off in their athletic participation and abilities?
I can’t really answer that because I have no idea what was or is happening in their lives. All I can know is what is happening in mine and focus on that. I’ve had a lot of personal struggles over the last few years and luckily I had a great support system with my family and friends. Each life is different and I can only know what is happening in mine.

Do you have any recommended resources to share (books, seminars, websites, coaches)?
Ha! Obviously I want people to pick up my book The Badass Body Diet. Even if they don’t follow it perfectly, because let’s face it, it’s not possible, it is a great resource on how to balance your food within your own taste.

I love following Barbell Shrugged and Barbell Logic, these guys have a vault of great information!

Tony Robbins is a must listen to, Brute Strength, Wodcast Podcast, Positivity Project, The Mind Muscle Project, Adventure Radio...there’s a ton I love.

Have you experienced a breakthrough, and if so, what led to it?
I have had a few breakthroughs in my life. The biggest and one that created the first pivot for me was in Iraq as a civilian contractor. I had just arrived and we had mortar rounds come in one morning. It was in that moment I realized all my decisions to that point were or could kill me, and I didn’t want to die. So, I decided in that moment that I wanted something better for my life. Over the next few months I quit smoking, started working out, and ultimately changed the outcome of my life completely.

What was the best advice you were ever given?
Have fun with it! When I am having fun with what I am doing and allowing my passion to play, I do 100x better!

Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?
Everyday you wake up with the opportunity to change your life. To me, this simple means that the power of your life is in your hands by the decisions you make. It doesn’t have to be extreme but it has to be something more than before.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
The 10,000 mile inspiration view is that I simply think about my life before I decided to change it, where I was and how I thought I was. I want to be the person I know I truly can be. Then, it’s easier to stay the course and make the sacrifices. My family and fans are also a huge contributor to my motivation. They keep me accountable in a way I never thought could be.

What is your 5 year vision? (where do you see yourself in 5 years, can be non sports related)
I will be doing more of what I am now with motivation and teaching the masses how to easily implement a healthier lifestyle into their lives. I know I will continue to elevate my mission and still be committed to my purpose.



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